The Enneagram method also known as the Enneagram of personality is a model that is used to explain and define the nine different human personalities. These are represented in a geometric figure. This figure also shows the interconnection between different personalities. In business, the enneagram is used as to gain insight into the workplace dynamics.
The Enneagram diagram consists of three shapes
1. The circle that symbolizes the unity
2. A triangle inside the circle- symbolizes the law of three
3. A periodic figure (irregular hexagon)- symbolizes the law of seven
The Enneagram Personalities
1. The Reformer
People who bear this personality are said to have an ego fixation on resentment. Their holy idea is perfection and tend to have a basic fear of corruptness, being bad and imbalance. They have a basic desire to be good, have integrity and balance. Their greatest temptation is hypocrisy and hyper criticism. Their vice/passion is brought about by anger. Their virtue is serenity and have a stress level of 4. Their sense of security level is at 7.
2. The Helper
People who belong to this group of personalities have an ego fixation on flattery. Their holy idea is of freedom and self will. These group of people have a basic fear of being unloved and have a basic desire feel loved. They are tempted to deny own needs. Their main vice is pride and possess a virtue of humility. Their stress level is high on an 8 and sense of security on a 4.
3. The Achiever
People in this group have an ego fixation on vanity. Their holy idea is hope and law. The sense of worthlessness brings out their basic fear with a basic desire to feel valuable. This group of people mostly have a temptation to push themselves to be better and their strongest vice is deceit. Their true virtue is in authenticity and truthfulness. Their stress level is at a 9 and sense of security at 6.
4. Individualist
Their holy idea is origin, have a basic fear of lacking significance or identity and a basic desire to be themselves. They tend to over use their imagination in search of themselves, their strongest vice is envy and have a virtue of tranquility. Their stress level is at 2 and sense of security at 1.
5. Investigator
They tend to be stingy, their holy idea is omniscience, have a basic fear of helplessness, incapability and incompetence. They have a basic desire to gain understanding. Their strongest vice is avarice. Their stress level is at a 7 and sense of security at 8.
6. Loyalist
These group has an ego fixation on cowardice. They have a fear of being lacking support and can be indecisive, doubt and need for constant assurance. They tend to be courageous and with a stress level of 3 and security level of 9.
7. Enthusiast
These group of people have an ego fixation on planning, fear entrapment, pain and deprivation with a strong desire to be content. They have a weakness of seeking fulfilment elsewhere. Their strongest vice is gluttony with a stress level of 1 and sense of security at 5.
8. Challenger
People in this group have their ego fixation on vengeance with a strong fear of being harmed, controlled and violated. Their weakness lays in thinking that they are self sufficient and are very lustful. Their virtue is innocence, have a stress level of 5 and their sense of security is at 2.
9. Peacemaker
Their holy idea is love and have a basic fear of love, separation and fragmentation. Peace of mind is their basic desire and tend to avoid conflict and self assertation. Their strongest virtue is taking action and bear a stress level of 6 with a low sense of security at 3.
Some people find bits of themselves in different personalities in the chart. They might fall under 3 when stressed and 7 when relaxed but find their strongest pursuit in 1. However, this chart has been proved to correctly represent the majority of personalities.